How Can I Remove Tooth Decay Myself?

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    There are several options available for those who wish to treat cavities on their own. Cavities form when oral bacteria colonise the crevices in tooth enamel.

    Over time, bacteria can cause cavities by producing acid that eats away at tooth enamel. As luck would have it, most cavities will heal on their own without any help from a dentistry or other professional if you take care of the teeth at home. I'll explain how you could possibly treat tooth decay on your own in this blog post.

    What is tooth decay?

    Cavities, or holes in the teeth, are the result of decay. There are a number of home treatments that can halt this degradation before it can cause a cavity.

    A film develops on the teeth due to the accumulation of food particles and bacterial byproducts. This is referred to as plaque. Plaque causes tooth decay if it is not removed. The bacteria streptococcus mutans has been linked to this deterioration.

    Areas more prone to plaque buildup include:

    • gaps between teeth, pits, and grooves around fillings, damaged teeth along the gum line, and other signs of tooth wear.

    Decay eventually spreads to the dentin, the innermost layer of a tooth. A cavity forms at this stage. When tooth decay has reached the pre-cavity stage, it can be stopped with home remedies. This is the stage at which decay has created holes in the enamel of a tooth but has not penetrated into the dentin.

    Once a cavity has formed in the dentin, it can only be fixed by a dentist.

    Symptoms of tooth decay

    Tooth decay, or cavities, are a widespread problem for people's smiles. The following are some of the signs that you may have a cavity:

    • Cavity pain in teeth is a typical complaint. When a child complains of a toothache on a regular basis, it's possible that he has a cavity.
    • Some people experience discomfort when chewing food because they have cavities.
    • Surface stains are noticeable on the teeth.
    • Cavity discomfort can be exacerbated by eating sugary foods, which is another sign of a cavity. However, the optimum medical treatment should always be determined after seeing a doctor.
    • Having bad breath
    • A bad aftertaste

    What causes tooth decay?

    The medical term for these imperfections in tooth enamel is "caries," and they can be easily seen by the naked eye. Cavities are brought on by bacteria in the mouth that feed on sugar and produce acid. Streptococcus mutans is the most prevalent causative organism.

    When germs clump together, the resulting coating is called plaque. Enamel, the protective layer of teeth composed mainly of calcium and phosphate, is depleted of these minerals by the acids in plaque. Little holes form in the enamel as a result of this degradation. A cavity arises when acid wears away at the enamel and penetrates the dentin layer below.

    Getting rid of cavities at home

    A study from 1930s claims that a long - term Deficiency in the diet leads to tooth decay, which is the basis for several at-home therapies. Children's cavities decreased in this study when vitamin D was added to their diets.

    Most notably, individuals who supplemented their diets with vitamin D while eliminating grains saw the greatest improvements. Due to their adhesive properties, grains can be used for this purpose.

    We now know that vitamin D deficiency may increase tooth decay, but that this is only piece of the issue. Aside from these, the following also increase the likelihood of developing cavities:

    • If you suffer from dry mouth or a medical problem that decreases saliva production, you may experience tooth decay after consuming sticky items like sweets and gum.
    • bingeing on sugary foods and liquids such as soda, cereal, and ice cream
    • heartburn
    • Baby's teeth aren't being cleaned properly before bed.

    You can't treat a cavity at home if it has already reached the dentin. Some people have found that using the following at-home remedies helps remineralize weak spots in their enamel and prevents cavities or "pre-cavities."

    woman patient dentist

    1. Sugar-free gum

    Clinical research have demonstrated that sugar-free gum chewing after meals aids in remineralizing enamel. Extensive studies have been conducted on the effects of xylitol gum on saliva production, plaque pH, and S. mutans levels, but more time-intensive study is required.

    Compared to xylitol-containing gum, sugar-free gum containing casein phosphopeptide-amorphous salts (CPP-ACP) has been demonstrated to have a greater effect on reducing S. mutans. This chewing gum variety is widely available.

    2. Vitamin D

    Absorption of calcium and phosphorus from diet is aided by vitamin D. Vitamin D and calcium rich foods, such as yoghurt, have been linked to a reduced risk of tooth decay in youngsters. Milk and yoghurt are two examples of dairy products that contain vitamin D. Vitamin D can also be gotten by spending time in the sun. More recent studies have cast doubt on whether vitamin D actually improves tooth health.

    3. Brush with fluoride toothpaste

    When it comes to cavity protection and restoring lost enamel, fluoride is crucial. Extensive studies demonstrate that using fluoride toothpaste on a regular basis can protect your teeth from decay. Most studies have been done on children or teenagers, thus there has to be more done on adults.

    4. Cut out sugary foods

    Nobody loves hearing this, but reducing sugar intake will help prevent cavities. If you want to avoid getting cavities, the World Health Organization recommends cutting back on sweets. Sugar should make up less than 10% of your daily calorie intake, as suggested by the researchers.

    Throughout the day, avoid eating sugary snacks if you can. Teeth enamel can remineralize once sugar consumption ceases. However, teeth cannot remineralize if sugar is consumed on a regular basis.

    5. Oil pulling

    Swish some oil, such sesame or coconut, about in your mouth for 20 minutes and then spit it out; this is the traditional method known as "oil pulling." Oil pulling is said to "remove toxins" from the body, however this claim hasn't been scientifically verified.

    However, a small, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled scientific experiment demonstrated that oil pulling without sesame oil is equally as efficient as chlorhexidine mouthwash in reducing plaque, gingivitis, and the quantity of bacteria in the mouth. More extensive research is required to confirm these results, though.

    6. Licorice root

    At least one research suggests that Chinese licorice root extract helps kill the germs that cause tooth decay.

    Somebody went the extra mile and made a lollipop out of licorice that can be used to prevent tooth decay. Initial research on licorice extract in the form of a lollipop found that it significantly decreased levels of S. mutans with in mouths and helped prevent cavities. However, further research including bigger sample sizes and extended follow-up periods is required.

    7. Aloe vera

    Using a lotion tooth gel may aid in combating cavity-causing germs. A review published in 2015 found that the antibacterial properties of this gel effectively eliminated dangerous oral germs. Aloe vera gel may aid in remineralizing enamel in the pre-cavity stage; however, more research is necessary to confirm this.

    8. Avoid phytic acid

    Some people think that eliminating phytic acid from their diet can help them avoid getting cavities.

    High levels of phytic acid in the diet have been related to tooth decay, according to research conducted in the 1930s. However, this is not supported by any recent data.

    Phytic acid was discovered to have an effect on mineral absorption from diet in a study conducted in 2004. Some articles on the internet extrapolate from this study. Phytic acid, for instance, has been linked to tooth decay because of the possibility that it can dissolve enamel's mineral content. However, it should be noted that there were fewer than 20 people in the study.

    The following are examples of cereals and legumes that contain phytic acid:

    • maize
    • wheat\srice
    • kidney beans with rye
    • green beans
    • beans, pinto
    • Soybeans, Navy
    • beans, blackeye
    • Tender, wide beans

    If phytic acid does impact the mineral in tooth enamel, more study is needed to confirm it.

    9. Other home remedies for cavities

    Since we were young, we've probably heard a lot of advice to avoid eating foods high in sugar. Bad oral hygiene is the primary culprit. If things escalate too far, it's time to see a doctor. The following are some home remedies that have been shown to be effective in removing cavities:

    Clove oil

    Since clove has pro government and antibacterial characteristics, using clove oil to the afflicted area can do marvels in warding off cavities. The procedure can be performed twice or thrice daily.


    Garlic is often seen as a vital component in sustaining good dental hygiene. If you're trying to keep your teeth in good shape, raw garlic is a great option. Garlic cloves are most effective when consumed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.


    The citric acid in lemons has been shown to have analgesic effects. Lemon slices can be chewed for a few minutes, after which it's important to wash the mouth thoroughly with water.

    Guava leaves

    Guava leaves can aid in cavity treatment due to their antibacterial properties. The leaves of the guava tree can be chewed like gum or added to boiling water to create a mouthwash.

    Green tea bags

    When you drink green tea, your mouth will produce less plaque. Green tea that has been infused with lemons and honey and then drank while still hot is thought to have the best outcomes.


    Two times a day, you should gargle with a solution of salt in warm water. The salt in the water helps get rid of the sticky substance on the tooth, therefore it works.


    Tooth decay can be effectively scrubbed away with the help of an eggshell. It's necessary to boil the eggshells for a few hours and then let them dry. After the shells have been cleaned and dried, they need to be finely ground before baking soda is added to make a paste. Also, you can't use it in place of toothpaste.

    How to Prevent Tooth Decay?

    • Always use fluoride toothpaste when brushing your teeth. Brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice day, preferably after each meal and before bed.
    • Use dental floss or an interdental cleaner like the Oral-B Interdental Brush, the Reach Stim-U-Dent, or the Sulcabrush once a day to clean the spaces in between your teeth.
    • Use a fluoride mouth rinse once a day. It's true that some rinses have antimicrobial chemicals that actively work to eliminate plaque-causing germs.
    • Eat well-balanced meals and minimise between-meal snacking. Sticky carbs, like those found in candy, pretzels, and chips, should be avoided. It's important to brush your teeth right after eating anything sticky.
    • It's a good idea to talk to your dentist about taking fluoride supplements to protect your teeth.
    • If you want to prevent decay in your molars, consult your dentist about having dental sealants placed on the chewing surfaces of your teeth.
    • Be sure to hydrate with fluoridated water. To prevent cavities, kids should drink at least a pint of fluoridated water every day.
    • Maintaining good dental health requires routine trips to the dentist for cleanings and checkups.

    Seeing a dentist

    In fact, many dental disorders, including severe cavities, can progress in silence. The easiest approach to catch a problem before everything gets worse is to undergo regular dental checkups. As the saying goes, prevention is easier than cure. Sometimes, you can prevent cavities with home cures or even repair early enamel damage.

    Brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, as your dentist recommends, is essential, and so are the other therapies listed below. While not every cavity may result in discomfort, maintaining routine dental checkups is still recommended.

    Seeing a dentist regularly might help catch cavities before they become too severe. Additionally, they may treat severe cavities with a filling, crowns, or other method. If you have a cavity, your dentist may recommend:

    Fluoride treatments: compared to over-the-counter options like toothpaste and mouthwash, the amount of fluoride in a professional treatment is much higher. A prescription for a stronger fluoride solution may be issued by your dentist if they determine that daily use is necessary.

    When a fracture has reached the dentin layer, the only option for treatment is a filling.

    Dental crowns are used to protect and strengthen teeth that have been severely damaged by decay.

    In cases when decay has reached the pulp inside your tooth, a root canal procedure may be required to save the tooth.

    Extractions are done when a tooth has advanced decay and must be removed.


    As long as you maintain good oral hygiene at home, most cavities will close up and heal on their own. Cavities develop when bacteria in the mouth thrive in the creases of tooth enamel. This deterioration can be stopped before it causes a cavity with a number of at-home therapies. When the enamel on your teeth wears away and allows acid to reach the dentin below, you have a cavity. Sugar-free gum may help remineralize worn areas of enamel in certain persons.

    Yogurt and other calcium and vitamin D-rich meals have been associated with a decreased incidence of tooth decay in children. In order to avoid tooth decay, it is recommended to reduce sugar consumption. Sugar should be used with moderation, according to the World Health Organization. Regular use of fluoride toothpaste can help keep tooth decay at bay. Potential tooth decay-fighting aids include oil pulling and extract of Chinese licorice root.

    For example, phytic acid may be responsible for tooth decay due to its ability to dissolve the mineral composition of enamel. Some cavity-busting home cures have been proven successful. An eggshell makes a great toothbrush for removing plaque and tartar from teeth. Children should consume at least one pint of fluoridated water daily to reduce the risk of dental caries. Brush your teeth immediately after eating sticky foods like sweets or pretzels.

    Serious cavities and other oral problems might worsen without anybody noticing. Regular visits to the dentist for cleanings and checkups are essential for preserving dental health. The dentist may suggest fillings, crowns, extractions, or other treatments if cavities are present.

    Content Summary

    • Fortunately, if you take good care of your teeth at home, most cavities will heal on their own without the assistance of a dentist or other professional.
    • One common complaint is tooth pain due to cavities.
    • Preventing cavities and "pre-cavities" by remineralizing enamel weak places at home is a common practise.
    • Using fluoride toothpaste on a daily basis has been shown to reduce the risk of tooth decay in a number of scientifically rigors investigations.
    • Chinese licorice root extract has been shown in at least one study to be effective at eliminating the bacteria that cause tooth decay.
    • There is some evidence that applying a lotion tooth gel can help kill the bacteria that cause cavities.
    • Alternative tooth decay treatments at home
    • The need of avoiding sugary meals has likely been drilled into our heads ever since we were kids.
    • Drinking green tea reduces plaque buildup in the mouth.
    • An eggshell makes a great toothbrush for removing plaque and tartar from teeth.
    • To prevent tooth decay, fluoride toothpaste should be used daily.
    • Rinse your mouth out with a fluoride mouthwash once day.
    • Regular visits to the dentist for cleanings and checkups are essential for preserving dental health.
    • You should follow your dentist's advice and brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, in addition to the additional treatments described below.
    • Regular dental checkups could detect cavities before they worsen.

    FAQs About Tooth Decay

    8 Home Remedies to Naturally Get Rid of Tooth Cavity
    1. Vitamin D. Food items rich in Vitamin D such as dairy products should be consumed to get rid of tooth cavity. ...
    2. Clove oil. Applying clove oil 2-3 times a day on the affected area gives relief from pain. ...
    3. Garlic. ...
    4. Lemon. ...
    5. Guava leaves. ...
    6. Green tea. ...
    7. Saltwater. ...
    8. Eggshells.

    If tooth decay has spread to the pulp (in the centre of the tooth, containing blood and nerves) - this may be removed in a process known as root canal treatment. If the tooth is so badly damaged that it can't be restored - it may need to be removed.

    Salt. Salt water can also be very effective in getting rid of tooth decay. For this, mix a little salt in lukewarm water and gargle with it.

    Tooth decay is damage to a tooth's surface, or enamel. It happens when bacteria in your mouth make acids that attack the enamel. Tooth decay can lead to cavities which are holes in your teeth. If tooth decay is not treated, it can cause pain, infection, and even tooth loss.

    When cavities and decay become severe, you may have: Pain that interferes with daily living. Weight loss or nutrition problems from painful or difficult eating or chewing. Tooth loss, which may affect your appearance, as well as your confidence and self-esteem.

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