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Common Cases For Tooth Bonding

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    Bonding your teeth together can be used to treat a wide range of dental issues. Dental bonding, for instance, can fix issues like chipped, cracked, or fractured teeth. Moreover, bonding can be utilised to hide tooth discoloration and close gaps between teeth.

    In most cases, dental bonding is a relatively minor procedure that can be completed in one visit to the dentist. So if you are considering getting dental bonding done, here are some of the most common cases where it is typically used.

    Tooth bonding is typically thought of as a cosmetic operation to repair damaged or chipped teeth, and this is true. And although that's true, there are other dental issues that can be fixed with bonding as well. The most frequent uses of tooth bonding will be discussed below. Read on if you're thinking about getting this treatment.

    Most people know what tooth bondingis, but they can't put their finger on when it's used. Tooth bonding involves the application of a resin material to the teeth in order to enhance their appearance. For example, it can be used to close spaces, hide discoloration, and straighten teeth.

    Bonding your teeth together can fix minor aesthetic flaws in your teeth and give you a more confident grin dental procedures.

    If you are pondering dental bonding, stay reading to discover more about the more typical examples of this operation.

    Tooth bonding is a frequent, economical technique to solve numerous dental issues. This cosmetic dentistry surgery employs a molar resin to mend chips, cracks, and holes in teeth. Bonding is also efficient at restoring teeth that have been stained or discoloured over time. If you're contemplating bonding to strengthen your smiling, here are a few of the common reasons individuals get the treatment done.

    Like most persons, you apparently assume of dental bonded as a treatment intended to straighten crooked teeth or cover gaps. While it is undoubtedly that, tooth bond may also be used to cure different other dental disorders.

    Inside this blog entry, we will look at a few of the most prevalent examples of tooth bonding. However, be aware that each and every circumstance is unique, thus please check with our dentist if there are any specific queries regarding your own teeth.

    Dental binding is a teeth whitening technique that uses a dental glue to connect tooth surfaces together. The glue can fill in enamel flaws on teeth, rendering them smoother and also more regular in appearance.

    Tooth bonding is frequently used to repair fractured, chipped, or decaying teeth, in addition to to cover up discoloration. It is a reasonably short and uncomplicated treatment usually accomplished in one consultation. Tooth gluing is a common and reliable method for enhancing the aesthetics of your smile without posing any health risks.

    Have you ever fractured a tooth? Chipped a tooth? Do you feel like you're missing a filling? If this is the case, dental bonding could be the answer to your problem. Tooth bonding seems to be a quick, painless approach to repair small damaged to your teeth.

    This post will explain what tooth bonding is and how it's used to fix common dental problems. We'll also discuss the pros and cons of tooth bonding and let you know if it's the right choice for you. So read on to learn more about this versatile dental procedure!

    You probably don't give much consideration to your teeth if you're like the average person. Still, teeth are an integral component of our bodies and, as such, they occasionally necessitate special attention.

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    Bonding is used to repair several types of dental damage, including chips, cracks, discoloration, and even gaps. Continue reading to discover more about the numerous scenarios that gluing can be used for and that it can positively affect your smile!

    Many individuals opt for dental bonding whenever teeth are fractured, chipped, or substantially discoloured. This is a cosmetic dental procedure in which an resin material is attached to the enamel surface, reinstating its look and function.

    Tooth bonding can sometimes be done in just one visit to the doctor's office and is used to fix small flaws in a patient's smile. Here a few of the most prevalent circumstances where dental bonding is indicated.

    Okay, so let's begin!

    What Is Tooth Bonding? What Is This For?

    Dental bonding application of a tooth-colored resin to a decayed tooth is a straightforward and inexpensive dental treatment option. The resin is subsequently bonded to the tooth using ultraviolet light. Patients who have chipped / broken teeth, discoloration, or gaps behind their teeth often opt for dental bonding procedures because of the ease and speed with which they can be treated.

    Tooth bonding is a treatment in which your dentists applies a particular, tooth-coloured resin to portion of your tooth. This is done to enhance the tooth's look and hide any flaws or irregularities that may be seen. Bonding is a common solution for many patients with cosmetic dental concerns, such as:

    Restoration of chipped teeth involves placing composite resin over the affected area to fill in the space and restore the tooth's natural appearance.

    • Bonding can also be used to cover discoloured teeth that are too severe for tooth whitening to fix.
    • Teeth that are too small can be made to look normal by having resin applied by your dentist around the tooth's edge.
    • If you have a minor but unsightly space between your tooth, your dentist may recommend having resin applied to the tooth's inner surface in order to "narrow the gap."
    • Applying resin to the chewing or biting surface of a tooth can cause it to look longer than it actually is, which is a popular cosmetic dentistry procedure for those with short teeth.

    The aesthetic resin used in dentist bonding is identical to the materials used in nail fillings. Your dentist may select the right colour cement to match your teeth, therefore once the bonding was completed, patients should be able to distinguish where your normal tooth stops and when the bonding begins. The results of dental bonding are so undetectable that no one but you nor you dentist need know that you have work done.

    Composite bonding offers a remedy for small damage or fractures in teeth. Composite bonding can assist you in getting a smile you're satisfied with that without inflicting harm to your teeth.

    Bonding is frequently used to replace chips, breaks, or gaps across teeth or rectify discoloration. By bonding composite resin to a molar and shaping it, a tooth's look can be brought back to life. The resin's shade will be precisely matched onto your teeth, making the restoration blend in completely.

    The tooth is prepped by slightly hardening the edge; the resin is again moulded to the correct shape and solidified with an Uv lamp before finalizing shaping to fit the rest of my teeth.

    There is no pause because the therapy is rapid and uncomplicated, and patients should resume everyday activities nearly immediately. Furthermore, except if it treats a fracture or some sort of tooth loss, it does not necessitate a local anaesthetic. The procedure's length will be established by the quantity and complexity of issues. The cemented tooth needs proper care after that, except from the typical oral hygiene regimen. Looking for a dental clinic for your dental needs? Check Bayside Dentists

    Dental Issues Corrected with Bonding

    Cosmetic bonding commonly used to correct minor dental flaws. There are several problems with this:

    • Cracks. When cracks are repaired by bonding, a resin is used to fill the area. Dentists will need to put in more time and effort when fixing a tooth that has a more substantial fissure.
    • Chips. You shouldn't be embarrassed by a minor chip in your front tooth and refrain from smiling. The broken region is repaired with cosmetic bonding.
    • Irregularly formed teeth. Do any of your teeth appear to be crooked or unusually shaped? We bind the resin substance to the tips or sides of you teeth to fix this condition.
    • Discolouration. The resin substance can also hide the yellowing of teeth. Dentists can provide restorations in any shade of white you request.
    • Exposed tooth root. Gumline recession shows tooth decay. Dentists employ aesthetic bonding to hide the exposed root to improve its tooth's appearance.

    Benefits of Dental Bonding

    • Results in natural skin tone
    • Expected Aesthetic and Functional Outcomes
    • Minimum or no piercing of tooth and hence, no inject is needed
    • Most situations can be done with a single appointment.
    • Composite veneer are reversible in some conditions
    • Wide range of therapy possibilities in future.
    • Failure is infrequent and straightforward to rectify.
    • Reduced costs as reduced lab charges.

    Bonding your teeth together is a widespread, low-cost, and flexible option for improving your smile's appearance. It can hide a variety of flaws on a single tooth or be applied to several teeth at once.

    Dental bonding is prefered by many patients over veneers as it does not necessitate the loss of healthy tooth enamel.

    Dental gluing does not cause any discomfort, and in most situations, your dentist will n't really have to provide local anaesthetics or any freezing agents while putting the resin onto your tooth. The operation is fast, straightforward, and effective when conducted by a qualified dentist.

    Pros and Cons of Dental Bonding

    Dental adhesive is less cheap than veneers, but there are also downsides.

    1. Advantages of dental bonding include:

    • Cost. The average cost with dental bonding is from $300 to $600 per tooth. However, when bonding is performed for construction purpose or to fill a cavity, many dentists insurance plans will pay all or most of the expense.
    • Speed. Dental bonding normally requires only one dental visit. This whole procedure takes between 30 and 60 minutes each tooth.
    • Ease. When bonding is utilised to repair a decayed tooth, however, anaesthesia may be necessary. Dental bonding requires far less enamel to be removed than veneers or crowns.

    2. Disadvantages of dental bonding include:

    • Bonding material can become stained. Dental bonding unlike porcelain veneers and crowns, it inevitably loses its lustre and colour over time. Coffee, caffeine, red wine, cigarette cigarette smoke can discolour the substance used in dental bond, making it different from the rest of my teeth.Avoiding these items for the first 24 to 48 hours once bonding is completed will help keep your teeth looking their best and prevent unwanted stains. There are other cosmetic dental options that are better for smokers. Tobacco smoke can cause the bridging material to discolour because of its porous nature.
    • Less durable. Dental bonding is also inferior to porcelain restorations and crowns in terms of durability and strength. As a result, it chips very simply. With careful maintenance, though, dental bond can last approximately three to seven years.

    Candidates for Tooth Bonding

    The first step towards resolving your cosmetic dental issues with teeth bonding is to consult with your dentist. If you're interested in bonding, they'll check out your teeth to make sure it's a good idea for you.

    Instead of recommending veneers if you have several teeth with slight discoloration, your dentist may suggest teeth cleaning treatments. Your dentist may propose a crown for a tooth with extensive damage, such as a large cavity or crack that threatens the tooth's structural integrity.

    A crown provides the tooth with additional strength to guard against future fracture and damage, something bonding cannot do. Bonding is typically done on the anterior, or front, teeth. Patients are more concerned with the aesthetics of their back molars, and molars often require the extra structural support that crowns provide. Bonding in dentistry is considered to be safe for use on people of all ages.

    When Dental Bonding is a Good Choice

    Dental bonding can be used to fix minor cosmetic dental problems including a chipped or colored tooth, a space between teeth, or platinum fillings that are visible when you smile.

    In cosmetic dentistry, dental bonding is used to change the shape of teeth. Dental bonding cannot whiten my entire smile like veneers or bleaching may. For minor cavities in back teeth which were not subjected to significant stress when chewing, dental bonding may potentially be a viable "white filling" option. However, dental bonding material may not be sturdy enough for particularly large cavities.

    The Tooth Bonding Procedure

    From the patient's perspective, bonding their teeth is a quick, painless process. In most cases, you won't even need to be sedated.

    But let's say your dentist is working on a tooth that's unusually sensitive because he or she is fixing a chip or other defect that exposed the nerve. A topical anaesthetic could be injected into the area to numb it. In addition, your dentist may use cotton pads to soak up saliva and smooth the way for the dental procedure.

    Once you feel at ease, your dentist will choose a resin colour that closely matches your teeth. The tooth will next be treated with a unique solution designed to roughen the enamel and improve resin adhesion. This process is commonly referred to as "pressing the enamel."

    If you get any of this solution on your tongue, you may experience a bitter or bitter flavour. Once your dentist has thoroughly cleaned and polished the tooth, he or she will use a putty-like resin to build a new restoration.

    After that, it is moulded to fit your tooth and pressed into place. When the resin has been moulded and set correctly, your dentist will beam a pink UV light into your mouths for a short period of time. The resin material will solidify as a result of this.

    Once the resin has set, your dentist will smooth out any rough spots with a power file. The final step is polishing this resin to make it look like actual teeth.

    Risks and Side Effects of Teeth Bonding

    Dental bonding does not have any major negative effects or hazards. Some mild mouth sensitivity is to be expected in the days following the treatment if it is used to repair a chipped or cracked tooth. Don't eat anything too hot or cold or too sweet till this passes; in the interim, it will pass.

    Unfortunately, there are times when the resin fails to bond to the tooth and the modification is lost during normal dental care routines like eating or cleaning. If this happens, your dentist can simply make a new composite change.

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    Caring For A Bonded Tooth

    Teeth bonding is a long-lasting option for fixing minor cosmetic dental problems. If the patient takes appropriate care of the bonded tooth and their natural tooth after the bonding procedure, the bonded tooth can last for ten years or more.

    Avoid biting into tough substances like plastic, nutshells, or ice, as composite resin is not as durable as your native tooth enamel. Your dental bond could break or come out entirely if you do this. Get fitted for such a mouthguard by your dentist if habitually grind or clench my teeth, especially when you sleep. Wearing the mouthguard at night will prevent the dental bond from cracking as a result of the high force exerted while grinding.

    You should also visit the dentist every six months to have your teeth cleaned. Maintaining the health of the tooth structure around in the dental bond will reduce the likelihood of the bond failing. When you can't get to the dentist, at least make it a point to brush and floss twice a day. If you want to keep your gums and tooth enamel healthy and your dental bond intact, use a toothbrush with soft bristles. We have an exclusive list of Melbourne's most modern and affordable dental clinic for your dental needs.

    Dental bonding uses composite resin, which can discolour easily. If you want to keep the bond from becoming discoloured and sticking out from the teeth, you should limit your use of dark liquids like tea and red wine. The colour of both the bond won't alter if you get your teeth whitened professionally or at home.

    Bonding vs. Root Canals: What You Need to Know

    Teeth may become slightly worn or cracked as we become older. The enamel on your teeth will wear away and your gums will recede with time, but our Encino dentist could still make your smile shine brighter than before. Dental bonding is a straightforward solution if the only damage to your teeth is superficial.

    Bonding for cosmetic purposes can fix issues like:

    • Chips
    • Disturbances on the surface
    • Giggles that aren't quite even
    • Separations of the Teeth
    • Exposed roots behind receding gums

    However, sometimes you might take a beating to your teeth that reaches well below the gum line, into the dentin, and even the nerve. If a tooth has a cavity or crack and it isn't filled up quickly, bacteria can get into the tooth and cause an illness. Damage of this kind is beyond the capabilities of dental gluing, fillings, or even an crown. Root canal treatment is necessary to save the affected tooth.

    Getting a Root Canal Is Easier Than You Think

    Root canal therapy is nothing to be afraid of; new tools and drugs make it a breeze. Your jaw, teeth, and gums will be numbed, and you may choose to take a tranquil to help you sleep as well.

    Two hours is all it takes for the dentist to clean out the tooth, fill the nerve chamber with medication, and place a permanent crown to protect the tooth from further aggravation. After waiting two weeks, you'll return to have your permanent crown attached to your tooth. This restoration maintains the original mouth and looks like just a natural component of your smile!

    You may get all of your tooth-related needs met at the dentist's office. Dental bonding and veneers, made of porcelain, are excellent cosmetic solutions. However, a hole is usually best option if damage or infection has reached the nerve of your tooth. So call a dentist today to figure out what other procedure is perfect for you!


    Tooth bonding involves the application of a resin material to the teeth. It can be used to close spaces, hide discoloration, and straighten teeth. In most cases, dental bonding is a relatively minor procedure that can be completed in one visit to the dentist. Tooth bonding is a teeth whitening technique that uses a dental glue to connect tooth surfaces together. The glue can fill in enamel flaws on teeth, rendering them smoother and also more regular in appearance.

    Many individuals opt for dental bonding whenever teeth are fractured, chipped, or substantially discoloured. Tooth bonding is a common treatment for many cosmetic dental concerns. Dentists apply a particular, tooth-coloured resin to portion of your tooth to enhance the tooth's look. The results of dental bonding are so undetectable that no one but you nor you dentist need know that you have work done. Cosmetic bonding is commonly used to correct minor dental flaws.

    Dental bonding is prefered by many patients over veneers as it does not necessitate the loss of healthy tooth enamel. The average cost with dental bonding is from $300 to $600 per tooth. Bonding is typically done on the anterior, or front, teeth. Patients are more concerned with the aesthetics of their back molars, and molars often require the extra structural support that crowns provide. In cosmetic dentistry, dental bonding is used to change the shape of teeth.

    It can be used to fix minor cosmetic dental problems such as a chipped or coloured tooth. Dental bonding cannot whiten my entire smile like veneers or bleaching may. Teeth bonding is a long-lasting option for fixing minor cosmetic dental problems. There are times when the resin fails to bond to the tooth and the modification is lost. Maintaining the health of the tooth structure around in the dental bond will reduce the likelihood of the bond failing.

    Dental bonding is a straightforward solution if the only damage to your teeth is superficial. If a tooth has a cavity or crack and it isn't filled up quickly, bacteria can get into the tooth. Root canal therapy is nothing to be afraid of; new tools and drugs make it a breeze. Dental bonding and veneers, made of porcelain, are excellent cosmetic solutions. However, a hole is usually best option if damage or infection has reached the nerve of your tooth. So call a dentist today to figure out what other procedure is perfect for you!

    Content Summary:

    • Bonding your teeth together can be used to treat a wide range of dental issues.
    • Moreover, bonding can be utilised to hide tooth discoloration and close gaps between teeth.
    • In most cases, dental bonding is a relatively minor procedure that can be completed in one visit to the dentist.
    • So if you are considering getting dental bonding done, here are some of the most common cases where it is typically used.
    • Tooth bonding is typically thought of as a cosmetic operation to repair damaged or chipped teeth, and this is true.
    • The most frequent uses of tooth bonding will be discussed below.
    • Read on if you're thinking about getting this treatment.
    • Bonding your teeth together can fix minor aesthetic flaws in your teeth and give you a more confident grin during dental procedures.
    • If you are pondering dental bonding, stay reading to discover more about the more typical examples of this operation.
    • Tooth bonding is a frequent, economical technique to solve numerous dental issues.
    • If you're contemplating bonding to strengthen your smiling, here are a few of the common reasons individuals get the treatment done.
    • Like most persons, you apparently assume dental bonds as a treatment intended to straighten crooked teeth or cover gaps.
    • While it is undoubtedly that, tooth bond may also be used to cure different other dental disorders.
    • Inside this blog entry, we will look at a few of the most prevalent examples of tooth bonding.
    • However, be aware that each and every circumstance is unique, thus please check with our dentist if there are any specific queries regarding your own teeth.
    • Dental binding is a teeth whitening technique that uses a dental glue to connect tooth surfaces together.
    • Tooth bonding is frequently used to repair fractured, chipped, or decaying teeth, in addition to to cover up discoloration.
    • Tooth gluing is a common and reliable method for enhancing the aesthetics of your smile without posing any health risks.
    • If this is the case, dental bonding could be the answer to your problem.
    • Tooth bonding seems to be a quick, painless approach to repair small damaged to your teeth.
    • This post will explain what tooth bonding is and how it's used to fix common dental problems.
    • We'll also discuss the pros and cons of tooth bonding and let you know if it's the right choice for you.
    • So read on to learn more about this versatile dental procedure!You probably don't give much consideration to your teeth if you're like the average person.
    • Bonding is used to repair several types of dental damage, including chips, cracks, discoloration, and even gaps.
    • Continue reading to discover more about the numerous scenarios that gluing can be used for and that it can positively affect your smile!Many individuals opt for dental bonding whenever teeth are fractured, chipped, or substantially discoloured.
    • Tooth bonding can sometimes be done in just one visit to the doctor's office and is used to fix small flaws in a patient's smile.
    • Here are a few of the most prevalent circumstances where dental bonding is indicated.
    • Tooth bonding is a treatment in which your dentists apply a particular, tooth-coloured resin to a portion of your tooth.
    • Bonding is a common solution for many patients with cosmetic dental concerns, such as:Restoration of chipped teeth involves placing composite resin over the affected area to fill in the space and restore the tooth's natural appearance.
    • Teeth that are too small can be made to look normal by having resin applied by your dentist around the tooth's edge.
    • The aesthetic resin used in dentist bonding is identical to the materials used in nail fillings.
    • The results of dental bonding are so undetectable that no one but you nor you dentist need know that you have work done.
    • Composite bonding offers a remedy for small damage or fractures in teeth.
    • Composite bonding can assist you in getting a smile you're satisfied with that without inflicting harm to your teeth.
    • By bonding composite resin to a molar and shaping it, a tooth's look can be brought back to life.
    • Furthermore, except if it treats a fracture or some sort of tooth loss, it does not necessitate a local anaesthetic.
    • The procedure's length will be established by the quantity and complexity of issues.
    • The cemented tooth needs proper care after that, except from the typical oral hygiene regimen.
    • Cosmetic bonding commonly used to correct minor dental flaws.
    • Do any of your teeth appear to be crooked or unusually shaped?
    • Dentists employ aesthetic bonding to hide the exposed root to improve its tooth's appearance.
    • Bonding your teeth together is a widespread, low-cost, and flexible option for improving your smile's appearance.
    • It can hide a variety of flaws on a single tooth or be applied to several teeth at once.
    • Dental bonding is preferred by many patients over veneers as it does not necessitate the loss of healthy tooth enamel.
    • Disadvantages of dental bonding include: Bonding material can become stained.
    • The first step towards resolving your cosmetic dental issues with teeth bonding is to consult with your dentist.
    • Dental bonding can be used to fix minor cosmetic dental problems including a chipped or colored tooth, a space between teeth, or platinum fillings that are visible when you smile.
    • In cosmetic dentistry, dental bonding is used to change the shape of teeth.
    • However, dental bonding material may not be sturdy enough for particularly large cavities.
    • From the patient's perspective, bonding their teeth is a quick, painless process.
    • Once you feel at ease, your dentist will choose a resin colour that closely matches your teeth.
    • The tooth will next be treated with a unique solution designed to roughen the enamel and improve resin adhesion.
    • Once your dentist has thoroughly cleaned and polished the tooth, he or she will use a putty-like resin to build a new restoration.
    • After that, it is moulded to fit your tooth and pressed into place.
    • The resin material will solidify as a result of this.
    • Once the resin has set, your dentist will smooth out any rough spots with a power file.
    • Dental bonding does not have any major negative effects or hazards.
    • Some mild mouth sensitivity is to be expected in the days following the treatment if it is used to repair a chipped or cracked tooth.
    • Unfortunately, there are times when the resin fails to bond to the tooth and the modification is lost during normal dental care routines like eating or cleaning.
    • Teeth bonding is a long-lasting option for fixing minor cosmetic dental problems.
    • If the patient takes appropriate care of the bonded tooth and their natural tooth after the bonding procedure, the bonded tooth can last for ten years or more.
    • Get fitted for such a mouthguard by your dentist if habitually grind or clench my teeth, especially when you sleep.
    • You should also visit the dentist every six months to have your teeth cleaned.
    • Maintaining the health of the tooth structure around the dental bond will reduce the likelihood of the bond failing.
    • If you want to keep your gums and tooth enamel healthy and your dental bond intact, use a toothbrush with soft bristles.
    • Dental bonding uses composite resin, which can discolour easily.
    • The colour of both the bond won't alter if you get your teeth whitened professionally or at home.
    • The enamel on your teeth will wear away and your gums will recede with time, but our Encino dentist could still make your smile shine brighter than before.
    • Dental bonding is a straightforward solution if the only damage to your teeth is superficial.
    • Damage of this kind is beyond the capabilities of dental gluing, fillings, or even an crown.
    • Root canal treatment is necessary to save the affected tooth.
    • Think Root canal therapy is nothing to be afraid of; new tools and drugs make it a breeze.
    • Two hours is all it takes for the dentist to clean out the tooth, fill the nerve chamber with medication, and place a permanent crown to protect the tooth from further aggravation.
    • After waiting two weeks, you'll return to have your permanent crown attached to your tooth.
    • This restoration maintains the original mouth and looks like just a natural component of your smile!
    • You may get all of your tooth-related needs met at the dentist's office.
    • However, a hole is usually the best option if damage or infection has reached the nerve of your tooth.
    • However, people receiving bonding procedures can achieve a fairer smile or cancel their bonding if they desire to undertake expert teeth whitening treatment.

    FAQs About Tooth Bonding

    between three and 10 years
    Dental bonding usually lasts between three and 10 years before requiring touchup treatment. This can vary for each patient depending on personal habits. For example, individuals who chew on ice or other hard objects may cause the bonding material to break.

    It's even easier to chip a tooth if you struggle with tooth decay, bruxism, or deal with abnormal amounts of acid that eat away at your enamel. Teeth bonding can help repair chipped teeth and prevent them from further damage.

    The process for applying most dental bonds is completely painless since the dentist is usually only working on the surface of the tooth. You may only experience pain if your bond is used to repair a cavity.

    How long does tooth bonding take to set? Your dentist will apply a tooth-colored resin to your teeth and let it harden during dental bonding. The time it takes for this to fully harden is approximately 30-60 minutes.

    The composite resin that is used for bonding can also be chipped or broken. It's simply not as strong as a natural tooth. You should take care when eating or biting down. Something as simple as chewing on a pen or a paperclip could damage your dental bonding.

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